Pattinaggio Artistico

Madison Hubbel and Zachary Donouhe: “We want to grab top five at the World Championship”



Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donouhe represent one of the most promising american ice dance couple. Last season they failed the olympic qualification and Madison got injured, but they won the gold medal at the Four Continents on Febraury 2014 and  two bronze medals in the Grand Prix series at the beginning of this new season. They were also reserve entry in the Grand Prix Final 2014/2015: Madison and Zach are improving season after season. The two ice skaters have told to Olimpiazzurra their goals and their feelings, before leaving for the National Championships.

The beginning of the season has been great for you: you won two bronze medals and you are substitutes in the Grand Prix Final. What are your feeling? Are you satisfied?

Madison: “Zach and I are competitive, so we felt a little disappointed to come so close to the Grand Prix Final and not make it.  On the other hand we have to appreciate how far we have come since my surgery on March. Our preparation for Grand Prix series was very short, and so we’re pleased that we were able to accomplish podium placements at both events.

Can you tell us something about your new programs? How have you realized them?

Our short program came together fairly quickly after Pasquale brought us the idea for music . Pasquale and Anjelika each skated to one of our short dance selections during their careers, and we love that we have a connection to previous generation of skating. When choosing a theme for free dance, we wanted to be able to use different dance style, music and for the crowd to be entertained. We think it is really important  to keep drawing in new, young spectators, and music is a powerful tool to sparking someones interest.

Which are your goals for this season and what are your plans for the next future?

“This season was all about getting healthy, and being able to train 100%. We have accomplished that goal, and for the first time in over a year, we are heading into our competion fully prepared and trained. Our goals now will be to earn silver medal at the U.S. Championship and be top 5 at World Championship”.

 What are your expectations for the US Nationals?

“Last season we came very close to the Shibutanis without being able to train leading into the competition, due to my hip injury. We would like to skate and perform how have been training at home, and we feel that, if we accomplish that, we will deserve to finally overtake them”.

What is your training routine?

“Our training session changes depending on the time of the season, and according  to what style of dance we are portraying our programms. This season we have been spending 3-5 hours on the ice, and Madison has been spending a lot of time doing “Phisical Therapy” and “Gyrotonic classes” to get her hip back into top form”.

Do you like training with Pasquale Camerlengo?

Madison: “Of course. Otherwise, we would go to train somewhere else. We feel that  Pasquale is the perfect coach for our team dynamic.  We are both very creative people, that want to have a big part in the creation of our programs and technique. Pasquale is a phenomenal coreographer, and i feel that  we all inspire each other and our programs are a collaboration.” 

What will you do when you will stop competing at high level?

We would like to skate in shows or be part of a production. We love our sport, but we can’t wait to skate with the freedom of no rules. We want to explore what is possible in skating as an art form as well as a sport”.

After changing some partners, when did you realize that you were the perfect ones for each other?

“I think we knew from the first day skating together that we were the perfect physical partners for each other. Our size, power and feeling on the ice was natural and connected from the first exercise. It was after our first competition that we know how strong our partnership was on an emotional basis. Our support for each other doesn’t waver and we have lot of respect for our partnership”.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Madison: “I am currently trying to learn Spanish in my free time, and I like to make jewelry”. 

Zachary: ” I like to sing, play guitar, video games, and I love anything to do with cars”.

Are you satisfied of last season? You won the gold meal in the Four Continents: how did yu react to this result?

“Last season was extremely difficult for us, with injury, and the dissapointment of missing Olympic Team. To finish the season winning Four Continents was obviously the best case scenario, considering the circumstances and we were happy to achieve that goal”.

Thanks to Madison and Zach for their attention and time and to the Web Master of their Facebook Page for patience and disponibility.

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Photo Credits: Facebook Page of Madison and Zach

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